2006 Miramar Air Show

 Tactical Call Signs

Tactical Call Signs.PDF

Tactical vs FCC Call Signs can be confusing for those not used to using Tactical Call Signs.

Tactical Call Signs provide significant operational advantages in that they:

  1. Reduce the time to send messages

  2. Reduce confusion as to the location and/or function of the Responder

  3. Allow the Responder to change while the location Tactical Call Sign remains constant


RACES is the prime responder for Miramar

The following are detailed instructions from RACES as to how they wish to operate with Tactical Call Signs at Miramar.  

During the Air Show ARES will follow San Diego RACES Standard Operating Procedures for tactical call signs as follows:

  1.  RACES and ARES will be using Tactical Call Signs

  2. Tactical Call Signs for ARES Responders will be assigned by ARES Net Control

  3. ARES Scribe will maintain a Responder Tactical Call Sign Log

  4. Tactical Call Sign will be assigned unique Numeric Suffixes (Search#1, Rescue#2, Search #3) to prevent confusion in case initial parts of messages are truncated.

  5. ARES Scribe will maintain a Tactical Communications Log and assign Message Numbers

  6. ARES NET control will be using W6SDG, the SDGARES Inc Call Sign

  7. ARES Packet station will be using W6SDG

  8. Messages will be initiated by calling to or from the Responder Station with their Tactical Call Sign

  9. Responder Stations will respond using their Tactical Call Sign

  10. When messages are completed or every 10 minutes for extended messages– Responder stations will confirm they are completed by signing out with their FCC Call Signs

  11. ARES Net Control will identify itself according to the following script


"QST, QST... W6SDG, ARES Net Control,

This is Not a Drill

We are conducting Priority and Emergency traffic

for the  Miramar Marine Corp Air Station  

Air Show

on this repeater

146.265 (+) MHz, PL 107.2

 for  Hospital EMS Communications and

449.500(-)MHz, PL107.2

for Tactical On Base Communications with Rescue Responders

From 0900 hours to approximately 2100 today.

Your cooperation in providing us

with a clear channel when needed is greatly appreciated


If you are an activated Hospital Responder

Please Check in on 146.265


W6SDG ARES Net Control."





Please send comments & corrections to sec@sdgares.org
Last Updated:
02/08/10 02:47 PM